COVID Update

While we try our best to accommodate all our patients for visits and testing, here are some general guidelines:
— We are trying to reserve testing supplies (especially our currently very limited PCR supply) for patients who are symptomatic with a known or possible exposure. We currently cannot accommodate asymptomatic patients for clearance purposes.
— If your child is symptomatic and tests positive on a home test, that is considered a true positive and there is no need to repeat it.
— If your child tests positive at an outside testing facility, that is considered a true positive and there is no need to repeat it.
— If your child has a known exposure and symptoms, you can presume them to be positive and there is no requirement to test.
— If your child is sick without a known exposure, we are happy to see them in the office and test here. We will most likely run a rapid antigen test and if positive, we do NOT repeat with a PCR. Choosing to run a PCR after a negative rapid test will be a joint decision made by the parents and physician.
— If your child tests positive or is presumed positive, but has MILD symptoms, they do NOT need to be seen in the office.
** Provide supportive care with Tylenol & Motrin (the latter only if >6m), per the dosing guidelines on our website.
** Ensure good hydration by encouraging fluids in any form your child will tolerate. Monitor for urine output.
** Continue symptomatic care for congestion and coughs with saline & suctioning, honey for children >1 year, Vaporub and a cool-mist humidifier.
** Do NOT use OTC cough & cold medications for children <6y, as the side effects outweigh any potential benefit and they are not recommended.
CALL OUR OFFICE if your child has a fever that does not respond to medications, has persistent fever for > 5 days, has fever in the setting of a sore throat or ear pain, has a barking cough, has wheezing or increased work of breathing, or decreased urine output.
POSITIVE CASES must stay home (isolate) for a minimum of 5 days, and then can only go out if fully masked for another 5 days. If your child is too young to wear a mask or does not mask reliably, please stay home for 10 days.
QUARANTINE in the event of an exposure will vary based on vaccination status and age of the child/ability to mask. For those fully vaccinated, it may be as short as 5 days from last exposure, but for younger children or those who cannot reliable mask all the time, it is still 10 days from last exposure. An ongoing exposure in the house means an ongoing quarantine as well.
Please feel free to use OhMD to ask any other questions, but be patient in waiting for a response as we are quite busy during office hours.
Thank you.