(770) 239-2500
2244 Henderson Mill Rd
Suite 108
Atlanta, GA 30345
Fax: (404) 745-8202
We are located across from Northlake Mall.
Office Hours
Mon: 8:30am – 5pm
Tue: 8:30am – 5pm
Wed: 8:30am – 5pm
Thu: 8:30am – 5pm
Fri: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Weekends by appointment only.
After-Hours Care
When the office is closed, you have several options. Always call 911 for a true medical emergency.
COVID Update
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerWhile we try our best to accommodate all our patients for visits and testing, here are some general guidelines: — We are trying to reserve testing supplies (especially our currently very limited PCR supply) for patients who are symptomatic with a known or possible exposure. We currently cannot accommodate asymptomatic patients for clearance purposes. […]
Curbside Flu Shots!
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerFlu shots are HERE!! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends ALL children older than 6 months get a flu shot by the end of October. Babies and any child younger than 8 years who have not had a flu shot before, or have only ever had 1 shot, should get 2 doses a […]
Can I send my kid back to daycare/camp/school yet? (Please!)
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerI have been getting a LOT of questions over the past few weeks about sending kids back to daycare, school, or camp. Let me start off by saying that there is NO right answer. And what works for one family may not work for another family. The past few months have been hard. It’s been […]
It’s HEEEERE…..are you ready?
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerGuess what arrived today? THE POLLEN! Are you ready for pollen season in the South? Here come the itchy and watery eyes, sneezing and runny noses, and dry coughs. As much as we love how beautiful spring is here, it can be hard to deal with all the pollen. And I’m not just talking about […]
Flu shots! Get your flu shots here!!
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerYay, flu shots have arrived! Call today to schedule your child’s nurse visit, or check our Facebook page for walk-in hours. Why get a flu shot? Simply put, flu shots save lives. A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that receiving a flu shot reduced the risk of dying from influenza by 65% […]
‘Tis the Season…..for Coughs and Colds
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerIt’s the middle of December. Your child has seemingly had a runny nose for weeks already. How do you know when to call the doctor? What can you do at home? Winter is known as “cold & flu season” for a reason. Many illnesses DO have a seasonal aspect — influenza being the most common […]
Top 10 Rules of Car Seat Safety
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerThe most dangerous thing you do with your child on a regular basis is get into the car. The most common cause of death in children under the age of 15 is unintentional injury, and the most common cause of unintentional injury is car accidents. Between 2010 and 2014, 2,885 children died in motor vehicle accidents nationwide — […]
Back to School
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerSchool days, school days, merry golden rule days…..How is it already back-to-school time? This summer flew right past me. Wow. Back to school means a lot of different things to different people. To kids, it means the end of the freedom of summertime. Back to structure and homework. For parents, it means back to busy […]
Welcome to Briarvista Pediatrics!
/in Blog /by Dr. WexlerSo glad you’ve found our website, and hopefully that means you’ve also found our office. Please be sure to contact the office if you need more information about our location, hours, services, insurance contracts, or anything else. I chose to open my own practice so that I can provide the kind of medical care to […]